Multi-media work in seven parts, 16 units, including terracotta mural, 12 1/2’ x 20,’ of a spiral galaxy (M 81); 6 sand-blasted glass blocks of different spirals occurring in nature, each 8” x 8” x 6; 4 bronze plaques of spirals from different cultures, ea. 8” x 8” x ½; 4 sand blasted flashed glass panels of a chemical process that produces spirals, together 8” x 24; natural limestone from a sub-Saharan desert with fossilized spirals; the wooden neck and scroll of a cello; and wrought iron logarithmic spirals on the gates and fence outside the building
Permanent Public Art
Permanent work at Middle College High School at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York, commissioned by the NYC Public Art for Public Schools and School Construction Authority through the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs.
This project is based on the curriculum of the school, which specializes in math, science, and technology. I chose the spiral as the focus of the work because it is a form that is studied in many of the school’s disciplines. The work is in many parts, spread through the building, so that it will not get familiar too quickly to students and faculty who are in the building every day. The work is in many media to replicate, in part, the enormous diversity of media in which spirals appear in nature and in art.